Working to achieve the SDGs

Expertise France’s multi-sector expertise enables it to pursue its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals. Discover a selection of illustrative projects implemented by the agency.

Results & Outlook 2023–2024

The low-carbon strategy in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire has made the fight against climate change a priority. The country seeks to mobilise national actors to enhance its climate performance within the framework of a low-carbon strategy.

The issue of midwifery training in Mauritania

Maternal and child care remain limited in Mauritania. The Temeyouz Project, funded by the AFD, has helped to increase access to basic services for populations, especially through adapting midwifery training to the country’s specific health needs.

Digital sovereignty will allow countries to come out of poverty”

Expertise France is taking action to help its partner countries deploy Artificial Intelligence (AI) and make it a vector of sustainable, inclusive, and attractive development.

“Expertise France supports us every month, every week, every day”

On 4 August 2020, two explosions devastated the port of Beirut, killing at least 235 people and causing major damage in the Lebanese capital. This disaster generated a wave of global support, to which France took part actively.

The World Agriculture Watch at the service of farming

The World Agriculture Watch’s ambition is to provide and share data on family farming that will help guide policy on these subjects and develop resilient farming sectors.

On the necessity to strengthen environmental justice

In the context of climate change, environmental justice is crucial and plays a key role in projects that require international cooperation, like in the Balkans, where it supports the rule of law, and citizen and environmental protections.

Women’s rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the EU and Expertise France push for the prioritization of women’s rights on the agenda of the region, where the care economy is an issue.

Fighting against human trafficking in the Gulf of Guinea

As part of the European project supporting the fight against human trafficking in the Gulf of Guinea, Expertise France is collaborating with civil authorities from six countries in the region.

Results & Outlook 2022–2023

Strengthening Guinea’s Health System

For nearly 10 years, Expertise France has been supporting Guinea in strengthening its health system. With the PASA2 project coming to an end, the Guinean Minister of Health talks to us about the impact of this long-term collaboration.

Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship in the DRC

In the DRC, women’s economic participation is mainly in the informal economy. Since 2018, the Kobo-Hub incubator has been helping to empower women, by helping them to start up their business in a structured way.

In Ethiopia, Supporting the Rehabilitation of a Regional Hospital

After two years of conflict, Ethiopia’s infrastructure needs to be rehabilitated urgently. Since 2022, Expertise France has been implementing a project to renovate the Dessie Regional Hospital, which serves more than 10 million residents.

Combining Environment and Social Justice in the Indian Ocean

In the southwest Indian Ocean, the Living Forest project seeks to find forms of forest biodiversity conservation that are fairer to local people. This means involving them in the search for innovative systems.

In Turkey, Training to Help Refugees Find Jobs

The VET4JOB program, funded by the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey, promotes access to declared labor and sustainable livelihoods for Syrians and Turks. VET4JOB helps them to strengthen their skills through apprenticeship and vocational training focused on the needs of the labor market.

In Ghana, a Support Center for Victims of Human Trafficking

Thanks to financial support from the EU and France, as well as operational support from Expertise France, Ghana’s Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection has opened new offices to meet with victims of human trafficking.

Supporting Ukrainian Justice in the Face of War

Ukraine plans to reform its judicial system as part of its application for EU membership. The Pravo-Justice project had initially been designed to support this approach but was reoriented following the Russian invasion.

Results & Outlook 2021–2022

Jordan: Improving Social Inclusion through CSOs

Social protection is a vital asset in the fight against poverty. In Jordan, Expertise France has been supporting civil society organizations providing social services since 2018.

Resilient Food Production in Latin America

Food, security, and climate are closely linked. Since 2017, through the EUROCLIMA+ program, Expertise France has been supporting the emergence of sustainable and resilient agriculture in Latin America

L’Initiative: 10 Years Fighting Pandemics

Expertise France has run L’Initiative since 2011. As France’s contribution to the Global Fund, this facilitating tool participates in the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide.

Providing Sudanese Youths with Quality Education

Expertise France makes access to education a priority. Since 2018, the agency has been implementing the EU program EQUIP to improve access to basic education for Sudanese youths.

Empowering Women in Latin America

Expertise France’s action reflects France’s “feminist diplomacy.” In Latin America, the agency has been supporting women’s empowerment through the EUROsociAL+ program since 2016.

Broadening Access to Drinking Water in Guinea

Three out of ten people lack access to reliable drinking water services in Guinea. With the PASA2 Program, Expertise France is facilitating access to water and sanitation.

Improving Energy Efficiency in Côte d’Ivoire

In Côte d’Ivoire, Expertise France has been running the ECLER IVOIRE project since 2018. Its objective is to support electrification in rural areas and improve energy efficiency at government facilities.

Supporting Vocational Education in Rwanda

Education is a key stepping stone for employment and growth. In Rwanda, the AFTER project has helped improve the quality of technical and vocational training since 2020.

Uniting the Tunisian Innovation Ecosystem

To encourage growth, Expertise France supports innovators. Since 2019, with the Innov’i – EU4Innovation project, the agency has been strengthening Tunisia’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Lebanon: Supporting the Employment of People with Disabilities

The reduction of inequalities is a multifaceted issue. Since 2019, with the Shabake project, Expertise France has been facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities in Lebanon.

Supporting African Cities in the Face of Climate Change

Since 2019, Expertise France has supported the signatories of the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa in the planning and implementation of climate and energy plans.

Reducing Plastic Use in Vietnam

Through the Rethinking Plastics project, Expertise France has contributed to fighting plastic pollution in seven Asian countries since 2019. Here we focus on a key initiative in Vietnam.

ECOWAS: Implementing a Regional Climate Strategy

Since 2017, Expertise France has been assisting West African countries with the deployment of a common climate strategy. This support is provided as part of the European project GCCA+ West Africa.